History in STARS

Well done to some Year 3 children who have begun construction on a Lego pyramid in STARS. They are currently creating the burial chamber section, which includes: a sarcophagus, canopic jars, death mask, entrance and Anubis statues to guard the body. Can’t wait to see your finished piece!

LKS2 Weekly update

Another busy week of learning this week 🙂

The Fastest Boy in the World : Laird, Elizabeth, Peter Bailey: Amazon.co.uk: BooksWe are continuing to read the Fastest boy in the world, we have been discussing and asking ourselves the questions – Why did Solomon’s Grandfather want to visit Piazza?, What happened in the past ? How is Solomon feeling at this point of the story. We are enjoying the book and want to know what happens next.

In our Design Technology topic of ‘Castles’. We have learnt about the features of a castle and the roles and purposes of different castle features. We have just designed the castle model that we will be making. We have used 2d and 3d shape vocabulary to describe our castle design. We will be exploring making 3d shapes using shape nets next week. 


In PSHE, we have been learning about how our actions can impact other people’s feelings. We have thought about ways that show we care about other people’s feelings and ways to show empathy towards others. We have talked about what compassion means to us in our Picture News class assemblies. We also considered how rewards and consequences influence behaviour.

Beechwood Primary School: Homework

We would like the children to continue reading regularly at home, practice their spellings (these are in their log books) and practice regularly on times tables rockstars. We are reminding the children to read 3 or more times a week to / with an adult so that they can earn a tick on our reading rocket charts.

Thank you for the continued support.

Miss Taylor, Miss Hodson, Miss Wade and Mrs Cartwright.


LKS2 Weekly update

This week has been assessment week for the children. They have worked so hard to do their best and show off what they have learnt. Well done 🙂 

Customised Holographic Well Done Pow Stickers | 35mm

The Fastest Boy in the World : Laird, Elizabeth, Peter Bailey: Amazon.co.uk: BooksIn between assessments, we have been continuing to read and discuss ‘The fastest boy in the world’. We have reached the part in the story where the main character Solomon and his grandfather travel to Piazza to visit family, but when they arrive, the family are unwelcoming and we predict that something has happened in the past to make them so hostile. 

Geography – Petersfield Infant SchoolIn our Geography topic of ‘Cities, counties and regions’ we have begun to explore how the United Kingdom is split into these different areas and what their characteristics are. The children completed a double page spread full of facts about counties in England and have created an informative leaflet about visiting a city.

Three Things Most People Don't Grasp about Growth Mindset | Teacher BookerOn Wednesday, KS2 had a ‘Growth mindset’ workshop with Rackeem Reid. Rackeem talked about the importance of developing resilience and ‘I can’ attitudes to build confidence and aid in being successful now and in the future. He also explained the differences between a ‘fixed’ and a ‘growth’ mindset and made links to successful celebrities who show/showed dedication and hardwork in their careers. 

Beechwood Primary School: Homework

Along with asking the children to read regularly at home, practice their spellings and practice regularly on times tables rockstars, we have sent home an extra piece of homework this week which is optional but useful for the children. It’s a question sheet based on watching an animation over the weekend. Our new computing topic is animation so this will help the children make links between what they know already and what we will be learning about next.

Please bring any completed animation homework sheets back into school by next Wednesday 🙂 

Thank you for the continued support.

Miss Taylor, Miss Hodson, Miss Wade and Mrs Cartwright.


LKS2 weekly update

We have had another fun filled week in lower key stage 2.
In our English lessons, the children have spent the week writing their newspaper reports based on the comparison between the old school in Shawbury and our current school, they included first hand quotes from the staff interviews and interesting facts about what school life was like over 10 years ago.

In Science, we are continuing to learn about teeth and their role in the digestive system. This week we have set up an experiment to observe how different liquids can affect our teeth enamel, we have used eggs to represent enamel and will be observing and discussing any changes over the next week.

We are getting stuck into maths and developing our place value knowledge and skills.


A few parents have asked about Seesaw logins so we just wanted to update you with our homework arrangements this term as we are not currently using Seesaw to post homework tasks on.
Currently the children’s homework is to:

  • Read as much as possible to/with an adult (4 or more times a week will earn them a tick on our reading rocket which leads to bronze, silver and gold certificates)
  • Practice times tables on Times tables rockstars, times tables are so important in lots of mathematics areas and we encourage the children to practice as much as possible to help with speed and accuracy.
  • Practice the spellings that are given to the children in Year 3 and 4 every Monday, they write these in their  ‘log books’ that they bring home each day. They are then tested on these spellings on a Friday. We would like the children to practice reading and writing these words so that they can apply the learnt spelling rule into their reading and writing.

A polite reminder that the children need to wear suitable PE kits on their PE days, a white top/ polo shirt and black  or navy shorts / joggers with no large logos.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Taylor, Mrs Cartwright, Miss Wade and Miss Hodson.

Weekly Update

In Year 3/4 we have had another fabulous week. The children have written amazing instructions on how to make a Stone Age Arrow.  In History, we have looked at the 3 periods of the Stone Age in history, thinking about the similarities and differences of the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras. In Maths we have developed our understanding of Place Value and times tables. 

Thank you to all the parents who came to our open evening this week, it was great to see you and get to know you. With the Year 5/6 help, the children today had a trial go at using Seasaw for their homework and their first homework will be sent out on Monday.

Here are a link to some fantastic times table songs that we have looked at this week in maths:


Class 6 and 7 Homework 06.05 – 12.05

Hi all,

Please find attached the homework for class 6 and 7 for this week. The homework is due Thursday the 12th of May.

If your child has left a sheet/forgotten the sheet at school, we have extra copies – please don’t feel obligated to print at home 🙂

Best wishes,
Miss. Parker

Week 2

This week’s work for anyone self isolating


This week we are writing our re-telling of ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ as our hot write. We will then edit and improve it, before writing it up in our best handwriting.

If you need help, watch the story again on this clip:



Year 3 are continuing this week with their work on length. Use these Oak academy lessons:


Complete lessons 3,4,5,6 and 7.



This week we have reviewed our knowledge of our teeth. Follow this link to the BBC bitesize page:



We are continuing learning about Ancient Egypt, this week focussing on why the Egyptians built the pyramids.

Use this oak academy lesson:


Any questions or problems, please let me know, and looking forward to seeing you all back in class as soon as possible!