Class 1 weekly news

This week in Class 1 our story focus has been Goldilocks and the three bears.
The children enjoyed making and tasting porridge. We then wrote instructions on how to make porridge writing sentences such as – Put in oats, put in milk, mix it, cook it, all using phonic knowledge.

We have been learning about and celebrating Chinese New Year. We have completed lots of different crafts and tried Chinese food. The children also enjoyed making snakes at forest school.

In maths we have been making 5 and 6, using double die frames to show that 6 is 5 and 1 more.

PE – Monday & Friday
Forest School – Tuesday
Books in on a Monday to be changed

Class 1 Weekly News

Another busy week in Class 1…

This week in phonics we have learnt new sounds – oo (as in zoo), oo (as in look), ar and or. We have been practising blending words and the children are becoming really confident with Fred talking sounds they know.

In maths we have been partitioning 5 in different ways. The children have used double sided counters, die frames, cubes and peg boards and pegs to show different ways to make 5, using stem sentences ‘3 and 2 makes 5’ and ‘4 and 1 makes 5’ to explain their representations.

In literacy our story focus has been Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have been retelling the story, recalling language from the story.


PE days – Monday and Friday

Forest School – Tuesday

Books – please return books on a Monday to be changed.

Class 1 Weekly News

Class 1 have had another great week!

This week our story focus has been The Three Little Pigs. We have been describing and labelling the pigs from the story using Fred talk and phonics knowledge, writing words such as hat, top, cap, pig and pink.

In phonics we have learnt new sounds – ay, ee, igh, ow

In maths we have been subitising and explaining the arrangement of dots. For example, I know that is 4 because I can see 2 and 2 which makes 4. We have also been playing board games to practise subitising dice patterns and careful counting.

In forest school we pretended to be fairies and elves and made wands using natural materials found in forest school.


  • PE – Monday & Friday
  • Forest School – Tuesday
  • Please return books on a Monday to be changed


Class 1 Weekly News

Class 1 have had an amazing first week back after the Christmas break. They have made my first week back at St Mary’s after maternity leave extremely enjoyable.

In phonics we have been consolidating set 1 sounds ready to start learning new set 2 sounds next week – very exciting!

This half term our topic in ‘Once upon a time’. This week our story focus is The Three Little Pigs. The children have enjoyed listening to the story and retelling it in their own words using key language from the text.

In maths we have been practising our subitising skills. The children have been explaining how they know the dot arrangement is a certain amount using language such as ‘I can see 2 dots and 2 dots so I know that is 4’ or ‘that’s 5 because I can see 4 and 1 in the middle like on a dice’.

The children have also enjoyed music where they were putting actions to songs and also learning about different materials having different uses.

It has been a very busy week but the children have really shown this half term’s school value of positivity. What a positive start to the spring term!


  • PE days are Monday and Friday
  • Reading records and books need to be in every day
  • Next week forest school will be on Tuesday afternoon – please bring in wellies/hats/gloves/waterproofs. We do have a selection of school waterproofs if you would prefer.

Children in Need

Hello everyone!

This week in Class 1, we’ve been learning all about Children in Need – a special charity that helps children all over the UK who need extra support. We’ve discovered how some children face big challenges like illness, poverty, or difficult living situations, and how Children in Need raises money to make their lives better.

We started by talking about what it means to be kind and help others. We watched some inspiring videos and saw how people work together to raise money for things like food, toys, and education. We also learned that little things like donating, volunteering, or simply being a good friend can make a big difference.

Thank you to all the families who supported us by donating – it’s so wonderful to know we’re making a difference!

Here are some of the things we’ve learned about Children in Need:

  • Children everywhere face different challenges.
  • By working together, we can make a big difference.
  • Kindness is something everyone can share!

Celebrations – Bonfire Night

This week, Class 1 has enthusiastically kicked off their new topic on celebrations! Throughout Autumn 2, we’ll be diving into a variety of celebrations, starting with the story of Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night. The children have shown great curiosity and engagement as they begin to explore the history and traditions behind different celebrations.

It’s been a fantastic start to the topic, and we can’t wait to see what other celebrations we’ll discover together over the coming weeks!

Class 1 Weekly Update

Dear Class 1 Parents,

What a whirlwind of a week it’s been! Despite the shorter timeframe, our days have been packed to the brim with new discoveries and exciting adventures. It’s always amazing to witness the boundless curiosity and enthusiasm of our young learners, and this week was certainly no exception.

In our English lessons, we embarked on an enchanting journey through the beloved tale, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!” The children were absolutely captivated as they got to wear a special character headband and took part in dramatic play. Alongside this, they crafted magnificent story maps, with full sentences that beautifully narrated the unfolding adventure.

Meanwhile, in our math sessions, the focus was on the fascinating world of numbers. Specifically, the children delved into the composition of 9, exploring its various parts and how they come together to form the whole. It was truly delightful to see their confidence as they not only recited equations orally but also demonstrated their growing ability to record them independently.

Our afternoon sessions this week started with a memorable school trip to our local church. This outing provided a wonderful opportunity for the children to deepen their understanding of our current unit, “What Happens in a Church?,” as they explored its sacred spaces and learned about its significance within our community. Additionally, we’ve been closely monitoring the progress of our classroom pets, who are currently undergoing a remarkable transformation in their chrysalis form. The children have been absolutely fascinated by this magical process, and it’s been a joy to witness their curiosity and wonder unfold.


  • PE Days: Tuesday & Thursday
  • Forest School: Wednesday (No forest school next week)
  • Sun cream should be applied before children come to school and can be reapplied by an adult at lunch time if necessary.

Many thanks,

Miss Newman

Class 1 Weekly Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are delighted to share the exciting progress our children have made over the past weeks. In our recent phonics assessment, we are thrilled to report that the majority of our students have moved up at least one book level! It’s a testament to their hard work and dedication, and we couldn’t be prouder of their accomplishments.

This week, our writing journey took us into the captivating world of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” Exploring this classic tale, the children had a blast recounting the journey of the ravenous caterpillar through the days of the week. Not only did this activity help reinforce the sequence of days, but it also expanded their vocabulary, with terms like “chrysalis” sparking curiosity and engagement.

Adding to the excitement, we introduced some temporary class pets – our very own caterpillars! Over the past two weeks, we’ve observed their transformation into chrysalis, eagerly awaiting the emergence of new minibeasts in the coming weeks. It’s been a wonderful hands-on experience, enriching our understanding of life cycles and fostering a deeper connection with nature.

In mathematics, our focus has been on the composition of five. Taking the next step in their mathematical journey, some children are now confidently writing number equations to accompany their pictorial diagrams. It’s been remarkable to witness their growth in mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.

In our afternoon sessions, our “Into the Woods” topic has sparked endless curiosity and creativity. Aligning with our literacy focus on “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” we embarked on a delicious adventure by creating smoothies with the healthy foods the caterpillar enjoyed. The children enthusiastically honed their fine motor skills by chopping up fruits, preparing them for the blender. And as they enjoyed their creations, they unanimously agreed with the caterpillar’s choices!

We’re immensely proud of the progress and enthusiasm displayed by our students across all areas of learning. Thank you for your continued support in nurturing their growth and curiosity.

Weekly Reminders:

  • PE – Tuesday & Thursday
  • Forest School – Wednesday
  • Reading Record Wallet – Everyday

Many thanks,

Miss Newman

Class 1 Weekly Update

Dear Parents/Carers

First and foremost, a heartfelt thank you to all the parents who attended our recent Parents Evening where we delved into all things RWI (Read Write Inc.). Your presence and engagement truly make a difference in your child’s learning journey. For those who couldn’t make it, fret not! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m readily available Tuesday through Friday, from 8:35 to 8:45 in the morning, stationed at the classroom door.

This week in our reception class has been nothing short of wonderful! We’ve embarked on a creative journey through the signs of spring, channelling our poetic spirits. The children have been crafting beautiful poems inspired by the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings evoked by the season’s awakening. It’s been great to witness their exploration of the five senses and how they interact with nature.

In the realm of mathematics, our focus has been on double numbers. The return of the much-loved doubles rap sparked enthusiasm among the children as they showcased their mastery of doubling up to double five! Their energy and eagerness to learn never fail to impress me, and seeing them embrace mathematical concepts with such enthusiasm is incredibly exciting.

Venturing into our forest school has been an absolute delight as we embarked on a fascinating exploration of animal habitats. From ladybirds to spiders, worms, birds, and even a beetle, the children exhibited keen observational skills as they identified various creatures in their natural environment. It’s been a joy to witness their curiosity and appreciation for the world around them flourish during our outdoor adventures.

As always, I’m immensely proud of each and every one of our reception class students. Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in nurturing their growth and development.


  • PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday
  • Forest School: Wednesday
  • Break time snack are to be healthy. Any unhealthy snacks will have to be saved for after school as per the school’s policy.


Many thanks,

Miss Newman

Class 1 Weekly Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope this message finds you well and ready for the weekend! It’s been an exciting week of learning and discovery in our literacy and math sessions, and we’re thrilled to share some highlights with you.

Literacy Adventures: Into the Woods with Percy and the Park Keeper

This week, our young adventurers embarked on a literary journey ‘Into the Woods’ with the beloved Percy and the Park Keeper series. Our exploration kicked off with the delightful tale of ‘One Springy Day,’ where we immersed ourselves in descriptions of characters and settings. Through this engaging story, we’ve been expanding our descriptive vocabulary, painting rich pictures of the world within the pages. It’s been wonderful to see the children’s imaginations soar as they delve deeper into the woods alongside Percy and his friends.

Mathematical Explorations: Counting Up to 20 with Moving and Non-Moving Objects

In our maths sessions, we’ve been busy counting up to 20, encountering objects both in motion and at rest. As a weekend challenge, we invite you and your child to explore counting 20 of the same object. Will it be blades of grass, colourful leaves, or perhaps a handful of beans? Let’s embark on this counting adventure together and see where it leads us!

Continuous Provision Highlights: Teddy Bears Picnic and Play

Amidst our learning adventures, we’ve enjoyed some fantastic continuous provision activities this week, including today’s delightful Teddy Bears Picnic! The children brought their beloved bear companions to school, and together, we shared stories, snacks, and lots of laughter. It was heartwarming to see the children dancing with their furry friends around the picnic blanket.


  • PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday
  • Forest School: Wednesday
  • Break time snack are to be healthy. Any unhealthy snacks will have to be saved for after school as per the school’s policy.


Many thanks,

Miss Newman