Enrichment Friday- First Aid

This week in first aid we learnt about bleeding. We started our learning by creating blood using different components to represent the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. We learnt about how important our blood is to keep us healthy.
The children were fascinated to know that the liquid part of our blood is yellow and called plasma. The red blood cells which make up around 50% of our blood creates the redness.
We then looked at how we can help people when they are bleeding. We practised putting bandages on each other, remembering not to make it too tight but also not too loose.
They have all worked really hard this week and learnt a lot!

Enrichment Friday- First Aid

This week in first aid we recapped the knowledge we have gained so far.

We conducted primary surveys to check what a casualty needs.

The children became teachers to teach some of the other children who were absent last week. They had great knowledge of the recovery position and CPR, and were able to teach their peers.

Some of the children were able to complete the challenge that I set on the first week which was to be able to say their home address in case of emergencies or phoning for help.

By next week, I am hoping all of the children are able to say their addresses.

Class 4 spellings

This week spellings for your child to learn:

  1. Thursday
  2. fast
  3. was
  4. they
  5. your
  6. put
  7. putting
  8. shopping
  9. running
  10. dropping


Thank you 🙂

Miss Longland

Arthog Day Four

Day Four at Arthog

Today, all the groups ventured into the beautiful hills of the Barmouth area, capturing amazing sights, challenging ourselves with a long and tiring walk, and testing our bravery as we had a go at rock climbing. It has been a mixture of peaceful, breath-taking and exhilarating. Tonight, we are going to try Nightline- this involved attempting an obstacle course in the dark with a blindfold on!