Class 2

Welcome to Class 2

Fundraising Group

A big thank you to our Parent Fundraising Group who have allocated £1,000 towards school trips. Each class will have £100 towards an in-school workshop or an educational trip out.

This will allow trips to be subsides for all children.

The fundraising group had their first meeting of the new academic year and have plans for a spooky disco in October and a Christmas fair in December.

The group are always looking for new parents to join and welcome anyone who can volunteer to help run the events.  If you are interested, please let the office know.



See previous messages & posts
Class Showcase
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Thankyou to the PFG!
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School Half Marathon

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Thankyou to the PFG!
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School Half Marathon
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Class 2 – Snow day update!

Good morning parents/carers/children,

What an exciting day!

As a result of the school closure, we have uploaded some maths, literacy, and science tasks for the children to access at home through the Seesaw app. We understand that children will be eager to get outside and play in the snow, so our science activities link to some snow day fun!

Reception children have been writing sentences from their current text ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’. Today I would like you to think about your favourite part of the story. Your task today is to draw me a picture of your favourite part and then write me a sentence to describe what is happening. I will upload a picture of our sound mat to support you.

In literacy, Year 1 children have begun to gather research to create a fact-file on shops in our local community. Yesterday the children worked in pairs to research two shops and have begun to record their findings. Today we would like children to continue their research and write a few sentences about their findings. When gathering information think about what service they provide, the opening times, where they are located and who may visit them.

Reception maths. Reception children have been working very hard on their doubles and I am amazed by their speedy recall! We have also begun to look at odd and even numbers. Your task today is to upload me a picture of your favourite toys and talk about what odd and even features it might have. (for example, a car has 4 wheels – this is an even amount. A doll has two arms, this is an even amount. A teddy bear has one nose – this is an odd amount).

Y1 maths. Children are consolidating their knowledge on addition and subtraction within 20. They have learnt a number of methods to support their learning, such as using a number line and using concrete resources in a part, part, whole model. Today we are asking children to complete missing number problems. If you have access to BBC Iplayer, children can watch the numberblocks episode ‘The Legend of Big Tum’ (season 3, episode 18) to support their understanding. Children can then use their number line to find the difference in order to understand the missing number. If they are finding this concept difficult, children could use everyday objects (such as dry pieces of pasta or small toys) and a drawn copy of the part, part whole model to find the missing number. Children should collect the total amount of items and then set aside the known part in order to find the missing part. For example, in the equation 8 + ___ = 12, children should collect 12 objects, set 8 aside as the known part and then count how many objects are left to find the missing part. Alternatively, children using a number line should start at 8 and see how many jumps are required to get to 12.

Have a great day! Stay safe and have fun!

See you on Monday,

Mrs Jones.

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.