Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

Class 3 Tennis Taster Session

Class 3 had a fun tennis taster session today delivered by the coaches at High Ercall Tennis Club.

Today, the children were introduced to the basics of tennis, starting with fundamental ball control activities designed to build their confidence and coordination. They also bounced the ball gently with a racket ensuring they were holding the racket correctly. These activities will not only help improve their hand-eye coordination but also encourage them to stay active and enjoy trying something new in a supportive and enjoyable environment.

Class 3 had an enjoyable session 🙂


See previous messages & posts

Homework will be set on a Friday on Seesaw. (as and when extra support may be needed following on from classwork)

Children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit every Tuesday and Friday.

Please bring your reading book and reading record into school every Friday and place this in the basket outside the classroom. Please remember to include reading record so we know who it belongs to. These will stay in the basket for 72 hours over the weekend and be swapped and given out again on Monday. We encourage reading as much as possible in KS1 and children will be reminded to read regularly to an adult at home. Class 3 are also encouraged to choose their own additional book from our reading corner that they wish to share at home with an adult. This could involve them reading to the adult or listening to the adult read to them to promote their love of reading. Please note this additional book is not from a reading scheme but entirely the child’s choice based on their interests. 

Class rewards include Class Dojo points, stickers, certificates, Star of the day, and Star of the Week. Children are encouraged to read regularly at home and when they have read at home three times, they get a tick on the reading rocket chart, Certificates and stickers are given to children who regularly read.


Thank you

Miss Styles


Year 1 Maths Expectations


Attached above are the end of year Maths Expectations for Year 1. They are the minimum expectations that all pupils must attain by the end of Year 1 in order to be ‘At the expected standard’ in Maths.

The content identifies basics to ensure children make rapid progress and access learning in other areas, as well as securing success in terms of preparing children for the next stages in their learning.

I have attached this document for your information as a lot of learning has taken place at home over recent months so you can use this document to track and assess where your child is at and any gaps that they may have. It is purely so you can see what your child is expected to achieve in maths by the end of the academic year and gives examples of how they could do this. It also helps to prepare them for their new year group in September.

Your child’s new teacher in September will be sharing the appropriate document for their new year group with you at our Autumn term parents evening. Alongside our termly NTS assessments, teachers will also be using these documents to assess and track children’s progress throughout the year.

Written with age appropriate expectations in mind, they:

  • focus on the basics; making a difference to progress for all children
  • support teachers in recognising key areas to promote progress
  • are based on the average pupil in the cohort, supporting the need for differentiation.

These expectations are in no way intended to cover the entirety of the curriculum – they are an on-going reminder of key objectives for the year group. They are the basics in order to embed and support meaningful learning.


Class Showcase
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Class 3 Tennis Taster Session
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RSPB Birdwatch KS1
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St Mary’s KS1 News

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Class 3 Tennis Taster Session
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RSPB Birdwatch KS1
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St Mary’s KS1 News
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Class 3 Weekly Update

What a great first week back in Class 3!

We have had lots of fun getting to know each other and making friends with new people in our class. We have explored our new room and completed a scavenger hunt to find out where everything is in our new classroom.

Our school value that we are focussing on this half term is ‘Respect’, and the whole school has been reading a book which relates closely to this value. Our book is ‘We’re All Wonders’ and it talks about how fantastic it is to be unique and different. We have done lots of activities relating to our book, we have thought very hard about how the main character Auggie, is feeling at different parts in the book, we were able to then write some sentences to explain how Auggie was feeling. This book has made us think deeply about how we treat others, and how we can always show respect to everyone around us.

On Thursday, we had a great time on our ‘Hook’ Day learning all about our new History topic – The Story of our High Street. We discussed which shops were already on Shawbury High Street, before designing our own shop to replace the shop that is currently empty. There were some fantastic designs and ideas for our high street. We then spent the afternoon junk modelling and creating our shop fronts! We had a great day and are very excited to learn more about our topic in the next few weeks.



  • PE Days are Monday and Tuesday, children are to come into school in PE kit on these days only.
  • On Monday, children will be sent home with their reading book for the week. Books will need to be returned on Friday ready for a new book the following Monday.


Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Styles 🙂

See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.