School Updates

Weekly Newsletter 17.01.25

17.01.25 ...

Enrichment Friday – ECO Club

Today in ECO Club we talked about how we can do lots of things to help the environment we live in. We discussed how we can be mindful of how much energy we use, switching off lights and unused electronics, reducing food waste, reducing water waste by turning taps off ...

Enrichment Fridays- Singing

This week was Country music week! We looked at where country music came from in the world, what instruments are used in country music, and how it is still popular today. We first listened to original country music, followed by John Denver’s “Take me Home” and finally modern songs like ...

Enrichment- Finance

Today, the finance group compared food prices from different supermarkets. Each group was given a supermarket to find items and had to add the items together to work out the total price. From this the children were able to see which supermarket was the cheapest. The children worked well together ...

First Aid- Enrichment Friday

This week in First Aid, we started our learning by discussing and identifying hazards. All the children were able to identify the 12 hazards on their pictures. We then learnt the two numbers to call in an emergency 999 and 112. We addressed the misconception of 911 being an emergency ...
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