LKS2 Weekly update

Another busy week of learning this week 🙂

The Fastest Boy in the World : Laird, Elizabeth, Peter Bailey: BooksWe are continuing to read the Fastest boy in the world, we have been discussing and asking ourselves the questions – Why did Solomon’s Grandfather want to visit Piazza?, What happened in the past ? How is Solomon feeling at this point of the story. We are enjoying the book and want to know what happens next.

In our Design Technology topic of ‘Castles’. We have learnt about the features of a castle and the roles and purposes of different castle features. We have just designed the castle model that we will be making. We have used 2d and 3d shape vocabulary to describe our castle design. We will be exploring making 3d shapes using shape nets next week. 


In PSHE, we have been learning about how our actions can impact other people’s feelings. We have thought about ways that show we care about other people’s feelings and ways to show empathy towards others. We have talked about what compassion means to us in our Picture News class assemblies. We also considered how rewards and consequences influence behaviour.

Beechwood Primary School: Homework

We would like the children to continue reading regularly at home, practice their spellings (these are in their log books) and practice regularly on times tables rockstars. We are reminding the children to read 3 or more times a week to / with an adult so that they can earn a tick on our reading rocket charts.

Thank you for the continued support.

Miss Taylor, Miss Hodson, Miss Wade and Mrs Cartwright.


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