Weekly update

What an interesting week this week have been!

The children were very excited and had great move up days meeting their new teaching and their new class on Tuesday.

In literacy we have been looking a rhyming words as our class book is a rhyming picture book. The children were excellent at rhyming two words together. We have also done some hot seating pretending to be characters in the book and writing different thoughts and feelings. The children enjoyed being ‘Emma Jane’.

Maths we have still been looking at time and different durations. I have sent home homework for children to complete to help consolidate their knowledge. Time is difficult to tell so any input you can give your child, asking them daily questions about the time or asking them questions about what time they do things e.g. wake up or go to sleep would be great!

In Science we learnt the importance of washing our hands. We created posters to show why we wash hands and how we wash our hands correctly.

In geography we have looked at a human feature in China. We looked at the Great Wall of China and learnt lots of different facts. We then worked in team to rebuild the Great Wall of China from Lego.

Homework this week:

Spellings – ‘ee’ sound spelt ‘ey’

Maths – Time

Please can all children bring in their outstanding reading books and reading records if they haven’t already. If you have lost your reading record or need a new one, then please ask.

Thanks for all your support and have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Longland

Weekly Update

We have been learning lots this week in Class 5.

In Literacy we have been planning and writing a short narrative based on ‘Emma Jane’s aeroplane’. The children have great imaginations and ideas! I have attached photos to show you some of their writing from today.

In Maths we have started our new unit on time. The children have made a great start with telling the time. We have focused on o’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past and telling the time to 5 minutes. We have been using practical clocks to help us and have played a telling the time bingo to have some fun! Homework this week will help to consolidate this learning. It would be great if you could ask children what the time was at points of the day to help children get used to telling the time and using the correct vocabulary (past or to).

In Science we have been learning about the eat well plate and how we need a range of food from the different categories. Their plates were super and had a variety of different foods on them! They are all aware of how to eat healthy.

Year 2 were lucky enough for Reverend Rich to come in this week. As a cohort they created a school prayer. They used a range of ideas and thoughts and create a St Mary’s School prayer. I was very proud of this and how they all worked together.

I want to say a big well done to all the children for their class assembly yesterday. It was amazing to see their confidence in sharing their learning with you, their singing and their talents. It is great to have such a range of talents in the class.


Literacy: To write a short paragraph on where children would like to travel making sure they are using correct punctuation and capital letters for proper nouns.

Maths: Telling the time.

PE next week

Thursday – Project Touchline

Friday – Jujitsu

Please can I ask on PE days girls tie their hair up, thank you.

Have a great weekend 🙂

Miss Longland

Weekly news

This week we have had a great time in Class 5.

On Tuesday we all took part and showed great teamwork in sports day. The children showed of their talent doing various different sports. Well done to everyone 🙂

In maths we have started our new unit ‘position and direction’. The children are able to use positional and directional language and are able to find different routes.

In Literacy we have started a new book ‘Emma Jane’s Aeroplane’. We made predictions about what the book may be about, identified proper nouns and are planning to write a diary entry as if we are Emma. We will be carrying on with our diary entries on Monday.

In Science we have looked at different food categories and identified the different foods in each category. We learnt that we need a range of different fruits to have a balanced diet for our bodies to be healthy and to grow.

We have looked at singing and playing a musical at the same time in music. It was great to hear the children’s lovely voices and their effort in playing a musical instrument.

PE: Children are enjoying their PE session with Project Touchline this half term. They are playing a range of different games and learning the skills of tag rugby. Please can I ask long hair is tied up on PE days.

In computing we have been using ipads to access an app called ‘Scratch’. We have been using commands, joining commands together, changing backgrounds and changing the sprite. The children have been super engaged and have enjoyed using this ipads to show their knowledge. I have attached some photos below.


Literacy: To consolidate learning on proper nouns.

Maths: To consolidate learning on position.

I hope you all have a lovely and restful weekend 🙂

Miss Longland

Weekly update

On Monday the children were very excited to watch the helicopter land on the school field. We then had a tour of the helicopter and was able to look inside! The children loved this experience and showed great respect to the visitors. I have attached some photos below.

In Literacy we have been writing non-chronological reports. The children have created some amazing work. They all have learnt some great new facts about Orang-utans and were excited to use their facts in their writing. I was impressed with their presentation of their non-chronological reports.

In Maths we have been looking at length and measure. The children have been great at this and now know the rules when using a ruler to measure. The children had fun in measuring items around the classroom, outdoors and measuring their friends. Children have got homework to consolidate their learning and understanding.

We made and enjoyed our fruit salads this week. The children were very sensible when using utensils to create their fruit salads. Everyone enjoyed making and I hope they enjoyed their fruit salads. I have attached some photos below!

In RE we were lucky to have Reverend Rich come in to school to teach us about the Lord’s Prayer. The children got involved and showed lots of enthusiasm to understand the meaning behind the different words in the Lord’s Prayer.

The children enjoyed this afternoon. They took part in a variety of outdoor games, enjoyed their refreshments and had lots of fun! The children looked fab in red, white and blue to celebrate the Queen’s jubilee.

Homework over half term:
Maths – This week we have been looking at measurements. I have set children the task to measure different household items.
Literacy – This week I have given children a diary entry to write what lovely things they have been up to this half term. I can’t wait to hear what you all have been doing!

I hope you all have a lovely and restful half term.

Miss Longland 🙂

Weekly news

We have had a busy week preparing for our quizzes next week. Next week children will be sitting their Year 2 Statutory Assessments (SATS). We have not been calling these ‘SATS’ to the children we have been calling them ‘Quizzes’. This is because we do not want to make the children nervous or anxious. They have all worked incredibly hard this week focusing on maths and reading. Well done everybody! I have sent home practise questions for maths and for reading for children to have a go at. If you have any questions, please do feel free to ask.

Class 5 enjoyed their Jujutsu lesson on Tuesday. It was great to see their enthusiasm for trying out a new sport!

Have a relaxing weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Longland 🙂

Weekly news

We have been very busy this week in Class 5!

In Maths we have still been focusing on fractions. This week we have looked at quarters and thirds. The children have been great at this and have been able to recognise a quarter and a third and find quarter and thirds of whole numbers and shapes. Children have got homework focusing on the maths from this week the secure their understanding.

In Literacy we have been writing setting descriptions and planning our own story based on the class book. I was super impressed with their setting descriptions. The children used a broad and imaginative words in their setting description. They have also used some great features in their story writing this week. We will be editing what we have done so far next week and then we will be writing our story up in full.

In D&T we have been looking at where our fruit and veg comes from and locating it on a world map. The children found this really interesting to see where fruit and veg can come from. We then tasted a range of different fruits. This was very exciting and we discussed the fruit, where it came from and what it tasted like and then rated them out of 10. The children really enjoyed this and lots of them enjoyed the passionfruit! Strawberry and Pineapple were top favourites too!

In our outdoor learning yesterday, we made journey sticks. We used sticks and string to tie different items we found on our walk around the field and playground. The children really enjoyed this.

Homework this week:

Maths – Fractions to consolidate the learning from this week.

Reading – I have given children a reading comprehension task again this week to develop their confidence and understanding of these.

From next week we will NOT be doing outdoor learning on Thursday we will be doing Jujutsu on a Tuesday instead. This means children will need to come to school wearing PE kit on Tuesdays.

Wednesday is their PE session with the passmaster coaches so will need to be wearing PE kit then too.

TUESDAY – JUJUTSU (Children come to school in PE KIT)

WEDNESDAY – PE (Children come to school in PE KIT)

If you have any questions, please do come to see me.

I hope you have a lovely weekend 🙂

See you all Monday.

Miss Longland



Welcome back Class 5! It has been a great first week back and it has been lovely to hear all about your Easter holidays and what you were up to!

This week the children have been super! We had our knowledge day on Monday learning about our new topic ‘Brazil’. We learnt lots of new facts including the language they speak and how to say Hello! I am sure the children will tell you how to say it! We also created some lovely masks which people would wear if they attended the Rio festival. I have attached the Summer 1 overview for this half term.

Summer 1 – Brazil Overview

In Maths we have started our new topic Fractions the children have been great at this. We have been looking at finding halves. I have included some homework to consolidate this learning.

In Literacy we have started reading our new class book ‘There’s a rang-tan in my bedroom’. The children have great acting skills as we used drama to retell the story! We have looked at the messaged behind the story and what it is telling us. This is something really important and have had lots of class discussion based on the message the story tells us.

We had a great music lesson this week using lots of different instruments to recreate sound that remind of us animals! It was very loud when children were recreating the sound of an elephant stomping! It was great to see their musical skills and enthusiasm for having a go at playing different instruments.

Homework has been given out today (Friday) and is to be returned on Thursday (5th May). Please can I ask children to be completing homework with a pencil as this is what we use to complete work at school, thanks.

Homework this week:

Spellings – we have looked at tricky red words to spelling and the homophone their/there.

Maths – Finding and recognising halves.

I have including a reading activity. If children can have a go at reading the text and answering the questions. This is to help with their comprehension skills and retrieving information that they have just read.

This week children have been reassessed with their phonics. They may come home with a new colour book or they may have stayed in the same group. If they have stayed in the same group do not worry as it will help build up your child’s confidence and fluency and it all works towards building their reading skills. Please can reading books be in every day as these are used for reading in the morning to improve children’s fluency.

Our PE is still on a WEDNESDAY so children will need to be in PE kit (black, navy trousers/short and a white t-shirt with their school jumper).

Our outdoor learning will be on THURSDAY so please can children bring in wellies for every Thursday.

I hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Miss Longland 🙂

Weekly update

Another term done! I can’t believe how fast this academic year is going! The children have worked incredibly hard and all deserve a good rest.

In Maths we have finished off our topic on Shape. I have given children some Maths homework relating to our shapes to consolidate their knowledge. I have been amazed at their shape knowledge and the vocabulary they have learned.

In Literacy we have been writing out instructions on how to be a Pirate. Their instructional writing is amazing they have included all features including imperative verbs, writing in the present tense and writing in chronological order. I am so impressed with the children and using the correct language of the features.

The children were amazed with our special visitor ‘Jim Bones’. They enjoyed it very much. They learnt more about pirates, asked questions, played games, did a pirate dance and sang sea shanties. The children also told Jim Bones all about Grace O’Malley who we have been studying in our History lessons and summarised the story of Captain Beastly. I have added some photos below.

The children did a treasure hunt linked to our outdoor learning and retrieving their learning from the past term! They answered questions based on their learning from our History and Science. They showed some great teamwork skills!

This week I have issued children homework to help consolidate their learning of what we have been doing this past week.

Literacy: Can children use instructional features to write instructions of something they have done in the Easter Holidays e.g. bake a cake.

Page 2 for English homework

Maths: Children have got shape homework to consolidate knowledge. This will help with identifying shapes and symmetry.


Easter 2D Shape Search Activity Sheet

Spelling: We have been looking at the suffixes –er and –est and adding on to words ending with –e. If children can fill in the table and as a challenge write a sentence with a word in it.

I hope you all have a great Easter holiday and have a well-deserved rest.

Miss Longland x

Weekly update

Class 5 have worked very hard this week in all subjects. Thank you to everyone who came to parents evening this week. It was great to speak to you about your child’s progress and comments in general. Thank you for all your on going support!

In Maths we have been looking at symmetry. The children used mirrors to draw symmetrical shapes. Some questions we had were tricky as we had to draw a house but all children managed to complete with or without support. It was great to see the children having a go!

In Literacy we have been writing letters to Captain Beastlie. This is a book the children have enjoyed. It is about a messy and silly pirate. We have been focussing on letter writing this week and the features we need to include in a letter. The children have been writing to Captain Beastlie to say to him why they should be the best crew member for the ship. We have included questions and paragraphs in our letters. Captain Beastlie is going to find it tricky on who he should recruit as all the children’s letters were great!

In Science children have looked at food chains. They can explain what a food chain is and create a food chain using plants and animals.

The children enjoyed the class worship this week looking the ship wreck which was found. We linked this with our topic work of pirates and ships. The children then worked in team to create a junk model pirate ship. The children have some great imagination and showed me what they can do with cardboard boxes, bottles and egg boxes!

Please can I ask that all reading books and records should be in school everyday. Please could you ensure any outstanding books are in on Monday so I can issue them a need book. I have attached some reading comprehension activities for children to do at home to help with retrieving information from what they have just read. Please feel free to use this if you wish.


Homework this week:

Spellings – we have been looking at words with the ‘r’ sound spelt ‘wr’.

Maths – Consolidation on symmetry.

Literacy – To write an informal postcard.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

See you on Monday.

Miss Longland

Weekly update

This week Class 5 have worked hard in all of their subjects and I am super proud of them all!

It was great to see the children in odd socks on Monday to show their support for Down Syndrome day.

We have started our new phonics and guided reading groupings which is going well and the children are enjoying it. Please can children’s reading books and reading record be in everyday please.

Maths: We have started a new topic in Maths it is Shapes. The children went on a shape hunt to find different shapes, have learnt 2D and 3D shape names and are able to count sides and vertices on shapes. We enjoyed the sunshine on Thursday as we went out to draw different 2D shapes on the playground. Homework this week is to consolidate their knowledge on shape names and counting sides and vertices.

Literacy: This week we have started looking at poems and different features. We have used our senses to create a poem, we have learnt a poem and used drama skills to act it out and have even written our own pirate themed poems! I was so impressed with their poems! This week children have got Literacy homework to create their own pyramid poem.

Science: In science we have looked at a new habitat this week. We have looked at ponds and what animals and plants live in a pond. We created our own pond habitats which was great to see the children use their creative side.

Music: This week the children used a range of instruments to create seaside sounds.

Children have got Maths, Literacy and Spelling homework this week in their blue homework folders. Spelling homework this week is practising red words. Can children put these words into sentences too.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the weather! Thank you for all your on going support.

Miss Longland